Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We've had several late nights last week and into this week. This is from Monday evening. We came home and started getting ready for bed. I fixed myself some stir-fry (the healthiest thing I could think of to eat at 9pm). After I finished my dinner, I started undressing Amelia to put her pjs on. We think our baby girl is teething...she wants to chew on everything. She started out giving me kisses and then it turned into this...

It seemed like the more we laughed, the crazier she got!! Nothing better than open-mouth "kisses" from your baby girl!

Love to all,

Monday, March 29, 2010

Celebrate good times!!

I can't believe it has been a week, since I last blogged. Things have been busy in the Averitt House!

Alex and I leave little notes for each other to find in the mornings. Little I love you...I miss you...thank you notes. One of the things on my last note to him was, "our weeks are passing way too fast!" I feel like we go to church on Sunday, go to bed, and it's Sunday again!

Being away from the blog for a week, means a long post and lots of pics. Sorry!

We've been celebrating over the past week. My S-I-L has some wonderful friends who threw her a surprise birthday party. I think you can tell by this picture - she had NO IDEA what was going on! (LOL) She was laughing and crying all at the same time. I love surprise parties. I wish I had taken a picture of the awesome brownies that our friend Heather made. OMG. I ate way too many. She topped them with a chocolate coke-a-cola icing.

Heather, can we just say my birthday is this week and you make those again!? :)

Amelia taking it all in...

I had so much fun at Alicia's party. I got to spend some time with a group of girls that I used to spend time with on a weekly basis. We had a Bible study, ate sweets, laughed A LOT and really loved/supported one another. When we started the church, I really felt like I was supposed to take a break from it. Every time I see these girls, it makes me miss them so much. Sooooooooo....I'm starting back tonight! I really need this right now and I love that I can be away for so long and pick right back up with these girls. Needless to say, I'm REALLY looking forward to it! :)

Here's a pic of some of those girls. Sure, there was a pic where we were all looking/smiling at the camera, but this one best describes what it's like when we're all together! HA!

We had two of my nieces and my nephew with us for a few days. We don't get to see them very much, so it was nice to have them while their parents had a little get-away. Joylyn loved Amelia. She was there to give her a paci, teething toy, stuffed animal...whatever Amelia wanted, Joylyn was at her beckon-call! They became best friends fast. :)

Over the weekend, we celebrated my nephew, Ty's birthday. I don't know how it happened, but he turned 17. This is the baby boy that made me an Aunt for the very first time. I simply can't believe he is 17 years old. He's a young man with a huge heart and I love him dearly.

My sister, Joy made THE BEST meal of mexican food!! Homemade guacamole, salsa, tacos, dip & punch. It was fabulous!

Chris & his baby girl. :)

Aunt Elaina w/Joylyn

Aunt Kerri w/Jessica

We were supposed to go bowling after his party, but little miss Amelia was so tired and bordering on cranky-britches, so we went home.

Here's the tired baby girl with her Aunt-Aunt. :)

I put Amelia in her pjs as soon as we got home and went to fix her a bottle. I walked into our bedroom to get her and found this. They were both passed out on the bed! (LOL)

Another exciting thing that happened - Amelia tried to roll over this weekend! It was on Saturday afternoon. She was sitting in her bouncy seat and started turning to the side and arching her back. I thought if I put her on her tummy, she might try to roll over and sure enough! She was so close to doing it. I know it's silly, but I was so proud of her! (LOL) I'm such a goober.

This week will be full of Bible study, play dates, catering, home group, dental appointments, and preparing for Easter Sunday. Amelia's basket is jammed packed with goodies! I'm sure she'll be so excited to go through them on Easter morning! Ha! I'll take a picture of her basket and post it this week.

Oh, and thanks to my friend, Faith. She did some "spring cleaning" on my blog and freshened things up a bit. As with everything she does, I love it!

I hope you've had a lovely Monday!

Love to all,

Monday, March 22, 2010

All About Amelia - 5 Months!

Amelia, you're 5 months old!!

I KNOW...we can't believe it either!

You weigh 15 lbs - 11 ounces. You had just dirtied your diaper before I put you on the scale...I'm fairly certain some of that weight was from your diaper alone. HA!

You're 25.5 inches long. You're in the 90th percentile for both weight and length.

Dr. A mentioned how happy of a baby you were all smiles for her. :)

You had to get two shots at your last appointment. You only cried when they first stuck you and then as soon as I picked you up, you stopped crying. And Mommy didn't cry at all this time!!

You're wearing size 1-2 diapers.

You're in size 3-6 month clothes (except for your undershirts, I had to buy 6-9 month for length!)

You're sleeping 7 hours at night and sometimes you throw in an extra hour or two for Mommy to sleep in.

You have moved from the bassinet by Mommy's bed to the pack-n-play by Mommy's bed. :) I'm just not ready to put you in your crib yet!

You still eat 6 ounces every 4 hours - during the day.

Dr. A said we could introduce you to rice cereal!

You didn't like it. At. All. You make this gagging sound like it's the worst thing you've ever had in your life. Can't say that I blame you - that stuff smells terrible.

This was your face after we stopped feeding it to you.

You're "talking" a lot. You have a deep voice - I think you're going to be an alto, just like your Mommy. :)

You've started doing this fake cough - cracks us up every time!

You love to pull your shirt or dress up. It's your new favorite thing to do. Like Mother like Daughter.


You're reaching for things and if we lay your paci on your chest, you will pick it up and put it in your mouth all by yourself.

Dr. A said to up your tummy-time to several times a day. Evidently your disinterest in rolling over isn't such a good thing. We aren't worried though...we know you won't be 16 years old and unable to roll over. HA! You will do it when you're ready.

You have discovered that Mommy has long hair. And you like to hold onto it with a death grip! :)

It was so warm last week, we were able to take our first stroll around the really enjoyed it. Looking forward to many more this spring/summer!

You're doing well with sitting up for a little bit on your own (on the couch or in your chair).

But as soon as I look do this.

We're just madly in love with you, sweet girl.

We love you so much it hurts.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March Giveaway Winner!!

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway! I took entries through this morning, so that's why I'm just now posting.

I asked Amelia to help me out and announce the take it away Amelia!


Um, Amelia...could you announce the winner, please?

Mom, can I get a little minute??

Such the little diva sometimes. ;)

Hey, I heard that!!


The winner of this cute platter goes to...



Congrats, Ashley! Please contact my Mommy (by pushing the email button on her sidebar) and she will mail this to you ASAP! :)

Happy Friday, Y'all!!

Love to all,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day and March Giveaway!!

Amelia made sure to wear her green today.

She was afraid that Mommy would pinch her if she didn't.

Silly girl.

She has started doing this after I dress her. Doesn't matter if it's a shirt or dress. It's coming up.

How cute are these shoes? I just realized when I took the picture that I have a pair of ballet flats just like these (minus the strap). I'm curious as to when shoes will start fitting her feet. These are 3-6 months. She will be 5 months old in a few days. Not sure why they make baby shoes so wide!?

We've had a busy week. Every time I would think "I'm going to go blog", something would come up before I got to my computer. So today, I blog while Amelia is napping.

My Mom surprised us with a visit over the weekend. It was so nice to have her here. Unfortunately, my Daddy wasn't able to join her...we missed you, Daddy! I kept Amelia up until she got here. I knew that Amelia would need some lovin' from her Granny before bedtime. :)

Amelia's face is cracking me up in this pic. I think she has the cutest personality already. :)

We've started reading to Amelia every night. It has become part of her bedtime routine and we love it.

Alex and I take turns. He reads to her one night, I read to her the next. I found a neat Bible story book with really cute illustrations. Very colorful. She just stares at the pages. It's so cute.

We went on our first "play date" yesterday. We met a few other Mommies at Chick-fil-a. Had some yummy chicken nuggets while the kiddos played on the indoor playground. That place was CRAZY!! It was a lot of fun though and I'm looking forward to our next play date!

I have a lot more to blog about, but I need to stop at some point or this post will be WAY TOO LONG! So I will end with my March giveaway!!

I found this cute platter at Pottery Barn awhile back.

I picked up two - one for me, one for you! :) It's melamine, so it's very light weight. I use it for goodies, tossed salad, grilled veggies...lots of different things.

I think it would even look cute in a bedroom/bathroom to hold random items or just sitting out by itself!

If you would like a chance to win this cute platter, just leave me a comment and let me know if you wore green for St. Patty's Day! :)

If you would like more than one chance to win, simply blog or tweet about this giveaway. Please leave me a separate comment for each entry. Make sure that you leave an email address or your blog address, so that I can reach you when you win. will choose the winner on Friday morning.

Love to all,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A visit from Levi...

My neighbor, Becca came over last weekend to give me something and she brought her littlest man with her. :) We've been meaning to get these two together for some pictures, since they were born. Levi is only a couple of weeks older than Amelia. Becca has 5 children and they're all so well-behaved and such a joy to be around. Levi is such a cutie!!

As you can see, they were very excited to have their picture taken.

Levi was more interested in his hands. :)

We decided to enforce the 6" rule, so that Levi didn't try anything. HA!

Amelia was giving Becca lots of smiles. :)

If you can't tell...Levi is smiling behind those hands in his mouth. :)

Checkin' Amelia out...

And now we get a smile from the boy!! HA!

How cute are these two!?? I look forward to when they're actually big enough for playdates! :)

Love to all,