Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's go fly a kite!

I haven't blogged about our big girl in a while and wanted to post some pictures of a fun afternoon we had with her. She's at such a fun age. She keeps us laughing and only makes us pull our hair out a small percentage of the time. Gotta love the TERRIFIC TWOS!! ;)

The girl remembers EVERYTHING she sees on TV.  She sees it once and she will quote it over and over and over. She was watching one of our favorites - The Berenstain Bears.  It was all about brother and sister bear entering a kite flying contest.  We listened to the girl talk about kites non-stop after watching that episode.  She would make Alex lie on the floor beside her and she would pretend her helium balloons were kites.  I saw a kite in Target and couldn't resist buying it for her.  We waited for the perfect day with lots of wind and declared it KITE DAY.  We of course sang the song from Mary Poppins the entire time and girlfriend had a blast.  We had neighbors coming out to watch her fly this thing. I think they were impressed with her kite-flying skills. ;) 

Her duck kite in the air!

Watching it fly!

Daddy handed it over to her once it was up in the air and she did a great job.

She was flying it with one hand!

She decided to take a rest and sit down while flying her kite.

It was a fun afternoon with our big girl!

Here's a little video of her flying her kite with Daddy.

Love to all,

Monday, May 7, 2012

All About Sydney - 2 Months Old!

Sydney, you're 2 months old!!

Stats at your 2 month doctor's appointment:
Weight: 11 lbs - 2.5 ounces
Length: 22 1/2"
Head circumference: 15"

You're wearing size 0-3 month clothing.

You wear a size 1 diaper.

You're such a happy baby.

We think you're just the sweetest little thing!

You're eating about every 4 hours during the day.
You're taking 3 bottles of formula a day and nurse 3x's a day. 
You're taking 4oz per bottle.

I discussed your lack of sleep with the doctor at your 2 month appointment.
Come to find were EXHAUSTED. 
She got to witness you crying for no reason and immediately told me it was exhaustion. 
I had quit swaddling you (because you fought it) and you weren't getting near the amount of sleep that you need at this age...which is A LOT.
I started swaddling again and you started sleeping again!!
You still sleep in the bassinet beside our bed.
You go 6 hours at night and are taking really good naps during the day.

You've found your hands and love 'em!

You love your sister so much. 
And she loves you even more. 
She says y'all are best friends.

You're changing so fast.
   Too fast for this Mommy! :)

We love you so much!