Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Card Carousel 2015!

Well, look at that. I didn't blog for nine months.

There have been lots of changes in the Averitt house. I might blog more on that later.

I take part in Faith's Christmas Card Carousel, every year, and couldn't let this year pass without jumping on the carousel!

So here's our card for 2015.

I decided to use snapshots from the year, highlighting some special moments for the girls and for us as a family.



I'm not sure why I don't have a better pic of the back of the card, but this will do. HA!

If you'd like to share your Christmas card, just click on the button below!

Love to all,


  1. I just got your card and loved it! You have had a lot of changes and the recap was great. I should have done that too! ;) I'm so thankful for how the Lord has provided for you guys in OKC. Blesses my heart! Love your sweet family so! <3

    Thanks for joining in the fun again this year! I hope you have a very Merry CHRISTmas!

  2. Love your card and the recap design! I need to keep that in mind for next year! Merry Christmas!

  3. I love your card! Thank you for sending one our way. I haven't done a card since M was two. Next year... :)

  4. Just hopped over from Faith's linkup to see your card. I love it that you used tons of pictures!! Great job!
