My sister came over to see us. Amelia was hanging out in her bouncy seat. Aunt Joy decided to sit in the floor with her while she ate her sandwich. Because this baby just doesn't get enough attention.
Aunt Joy is a brave soul for sitting on my filthy kitchen floor.

I can't even tell you how many pics that I have like this. She loves to take naps with her Daddy. Seeing them together just melts my heart. I seriously don't know how Amelia sleeps like this because Alex is usually snoring so loud. It's like it soothes her to sleep. (LOL) As you can see, Amelia is already sporting some Valentine pj's. She has several pair, so I've already started putting them on her. I think the entire month of February should be the month of LOVE. All things pink, red, hearts, etc. Half the month just isn't enough. :)

We met Daddy at the mall after he was off from work. I have a dirty secret.
I love to eat at the mall food court.
You would think from this picture that Amelia is smiling because she's receiving kisses from Mommy. She's not. She LOVED the ceiling in the mall. I would get her to look at me and she would slowly tilt her head until she could see the ceiling again. Girl has a thing for ceiling fixtures.

I told you that I like to peek into Amelia's bassinet when she wakes from a nap. I went in to get her (with camera in hand). Peeked over the bassinet and there she was. Happy as a lark.

I have no idea what a lark is.
We host our home group tonight. This is our first time (since before I had Amelia) to host. They gave us a little break once I hit the HUGE mark. I'm making chicken spaghetti, salad & bread.
For dessert I made a peanut butter pie

I made an extra peanut butter pie to take over to my neighbor. It's her husband's birthday, so I thought they might like a sweet treat!
Oh, and can I just say...if you're making anything other than these brownies...

just slap yourself and promise to stop. My sis and I make most everything from scratch, but there's really no reason when you find a mix that's THIS GOOD. Seriously. They're the BEST!!
I hope you're all having a fabulous week. I'm hosting a baby shower tomorrow night, so it's going to be a busy couple of days!
Love to all,
I agree I'm a baker myself and they do make a mean browine, and they sell it in bulk at bj's. amelia's soo cute keep up the good work momma!
love your 'random' post. :) and i love food court mall food too... especially chinese food. :) can't get over how darn sweet your little girl is!!!!!
lol... I was actually thinking "what makes a lark happy?" then read your "I have no idea what a lark is" I think it is a bird, but I have no idea why they are considered happy... or if it is even referring to a bird.
Thank you for the pie. Since I thought David was going to be gone... I didn't plan on making a cake until tomorrow and have nothing in the house to make one with. SO it will come in very handy. Jill to the rescue! (again :)
Your baby girl is so beautiful. I know you are loving every minute of it... and that peanut butter pie is making me come unglued. Please email the recipe to me if you get a moment? I love anything with peanut butter. And I love Ghiradelli brownies! They are so the best boxed dessert of all time!
I'll have to try those brownies!
I love your fun! That pic of you kissing her cheek is so cute, and how funny that she was loving that ceiling! She's precious!!!
I'll have to give those brownies a try. Especially after your rave review!
Jill, I love the way you express yourself! You always make me smile. Those brownies and that pie are making my mouth water.
Can I please have some of that peanut butter pie!? Wow, looks wonderful!
That is definitely the BEST brownie mix ever! We buy it in bulk at Costco...they are a must have in our pantry! Loved the random post - wonderful pictures :)
I am having a friend over tomorrow that I havn't seen in years and I had that same box of brownie mix in my basket to make when she is here and I took them out at the last minute...sounds like I made a big mistake, I may have to go to the store tomorrow before she comes!
She is soooo beautiful! Every time I see the pictures, I'm amazed at how smiley she is. :) Thanks for sharing!!
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