Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweet little wrist...

Amelia and I are homebodies. We are at home A LOT. She's really good about playing inside and since it's so hot outside right now - that's a good thing. I try to come up with things for her to do - especially now that she's getting older. So today was craft day at The Averitt house!

Amelia LOVES necklaces and bracelets. She's always putting something on her wrist or around her neck (we really have to watch the around the neck thing). I decided we would make a special bracelet and necklace for her to wear today. I sat out the supplies (ribbon and fruit loops) and we went to work!

She watched me add rings to the ribbon and tried so hard to do it herself. She could get the ring to the ribbon but couldn't figure out how to pull it through. Eventually she asked for help. :)

Sweet little wrist. :)

We started on the necklace but at that point - she was more interested in eating the jewelery.

It was a fun craft that we'll definitely make/eat again. She loved it!

Love to all,


Momx6 said...

Great idea - much better than that hard candy jewelry! Good mommie!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I bet she loved every minute of craft day...especially the eating part! :)

bb said...

Okay, I think I just saw what we will be doing tomorrow. Off to the store for some Fruit Loops for me. Maybe this will last slightly longer than the Jello Jigglers we made on Tuesday. Hello! Jigglers don't take long to cut, and I had to stop before she ate the whole batch.

Great job, Mommy!

Awesome pictures!!!

kristin fulghum said...

so cute! i will definitely be doing that.

andreajennine said...

Sweet! Literally!

Ashley E. said...

Oh that is so cute! I need to try and do that with Addi!

Lauren said...

SO sweet and Fruit loops is my fav cereal, haha!!! :)

Faith said...

So fun! I love craft days and I can tell that Miss A enjoyed it too!

Susy said...

So cute and such a good idea! I love that she loves jewelry...such a little lady!

Mazzy said...

What a precious idea!! I never would have thought of it but I now I absolutely have to try it. Thanks for sharing!!