Monday, July 15, 2013


This is a picture of Alex and Kevin in Costa Rica with three of the pastors there. 
They went to encourage these men and discuss the needs of their families and churches.
I'm in the process of working on a fundraiser for the Cabecar Discipleship Graduates. 
They'll be taking all of the graduates on a field trip and these kids are so looking forward to it.  They just need the funds to go!  I knew I wanted to play a part in helping as soon as I heard about this program/need.

So The Catering Girls are baking Cupcakes for Cabecar! 
We're so close to our $600 goal! 
Joy and I are excited to help with this.
When Alex came home telling me about these men and their families and their churches and their hearts for their people, I couldn't wait to go on the next trip to meet them.
I have another fundraiser that I'll be doing with Amelia in a couple of weeks.
She's excited to help too!

Speaking of Amelia. 
She has been sick since Thursday evening. 
There has been lots of this...

And more of this...

Sick baby girls. :(

I took the girls to the doctor on Friday. 
She said they had a virus and shouldn't be around other kiddos until they 
were without symptoms for 24 hours.

I don't think I've ever seen Amelia lay around and ask us to hold her this much.

She was really bummed she couldn't go to Pryce's birthday party on Friday evening. 
He turned 15!  I was thankful that Alex let me have a little break and go visit with family for a few hours.  I NEEDED it.

Me, Joy, and sweet Will!

Amelia was crying that she couldn't go, so Alex did what any Daddy would do. 
He threw a birthday party at our house for the girls!
He went as far as baking/icing a cake with Amelia and letting her blow out the candles. 

Both girls have been sick, though Sydney hasn't been as bad as Amelia.
Either way, they've been on the BRAT diet. 
Until Daddy gave Sydney cake for breakfast. 
No wonder she likes him better than me!

We've been watching A LOT of movies!

I introduced the girls to "Meet me in St. Louis" yesterday. 
I LOVE this movie. 

My Mama has been staying with us during the week, since starting her new job.
She bought Charlotte's Web and has been reading one chapter every night to Amelia.
Except that one night that Amelia talked her into reading three chapters. 
She LOVES for people to read to her. 
I love this time my Mama has with my girls. 
Amelia is old enough that she'll never forget it.

This is random but look at all of my baby's curls!! 
Her hair has grown so much in the last few months.

Since I couldn't take the girls to church yesterday - 
Amelia decided we should have church here at home. 

We had worship time but Amelia was too puny to preach. 
She said, "you can give the message Mama, I'm tired."  (ha!)

I made dinner for Alex last night. 
I didn't use near the amount of butter it called for but they were still delicious.  
Great flavor.
I think I'll try making these with an olive oil base next time, but with the same spices.

SO delicious.  I love banana bread.
I always have enough ripe bananas to make two loaves and give one away!

And I baked some of my MIL's favorite cupcakes for her 60th birthday!
We didn't get to go to her party either. 
And she was kind enough to tell Alex to just stay home and help me with the girls.
Being home all day, every day with sick babies = exhaustion.
I was thankful for the help.

It's going to be a busy week. 
I have errands to run for the fundraiser, I have physical therapy two days this week, meals to make for friends, and we're going on a little anniversary trip at the end of the week.  We celebrate 17 years this weekend!!  17 years.  We're so excited to have a weekend to focus on nothing but each other.  I'm beyond blessed to have this guy in my life.

So far today, my babies are back to their normal selves. I'm praying it stays that way.

Love to all,


Lauren and Eddie said...

I'm sorry y'all have been so sick! James and I read Charlotte's Web together a few months ago and he loved it. We've read Mrs. Pigglewiggle and Stuart Little, too, and now we're on Mr. Popper's Penguins. I'm enjoying these "chapter" books!

Anna Williams said...

JILL!! It's Anna, from Chasing Emmy! So excited to have found your blog., it's a small world!