Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow day and the doctor...

Well, we didn't make it through the weekend without going to the after-hours clinic. Amelia woke up at 3am on Saturday morning and I knew she still had an ear infection. My girl is a good sleeper, so that has become a clear indicator of when something is wrong. That and she messed with her ear throughout the entire last round of antibiotics. I was able to get her to sleep with me in the guest bedroom from about 5am-10am on Saturday.

When she woke up she gave me this face. And my heart melted right there.

So we called and made an appointment and headed to ACH.

They are always so sweet with her there and this time was no different. I love the nursing staff there. After talking with the doctor, he recommended three days of rocephin injections to get rid of this ear infection, since she hasn't responded to the oral meds. The medicine wouldn't fit in one injection, so she had to have 2 shots (one in each leg). I'm so glad Alex was with me. He stood over her and held her hands while I stood back and cried. She cried so hard. She was worn out afterwards and quickly fell asleep in the truck.

We headed back for her 2nd round of shots on Sunday afternoon. She looks as though she remembers this place by the look on her face. Thankfully, she didn't cry quite as long and hard the second time around.

We came out of the appointment to snow falling hard! Amelia thought it was funny. We ran to the truck and started home.

It had only been snowing for about 30 minutes, but we saw dozens of wrecks on our way home. Arkansans freak at the mention of snow and lose all ability to drive sensibly. And can I just say, if you have a wreck...don't get out of your car. This is the worst thing you can do. You could be killed. Alex worked with someone that got out of his car to help someone in bad weather and he was struck by another vehicle and killed. So stay in your car, please?

Amelia slept really well last night. She slept until 10am this morning! She had a huge smile on her face when I went in to get her this morning.

We woke up this morning to a beautiful blanket of snow! We have at least 4". To some of you that might not be a lot, but to us that's a blizzard! We usually just get ice!

I opened the back door today to let her check out the snow for a few minutes. She acted as though she was afraid of it. She touched it once, but then wanted nothing to do with it. As soon as I shut the door, she started bawling and trying to open the door again. (LOL)

Amelia just woke up from her nap, so we're going to head back to Children's for her final round of shots. I'm thankful this is the last of them and that we see the ENT on Wednesday. Please pray that they'll know what's going on with our girl and that if she needs tubes, I'll have peace about that.

Oh, and check out this video. We've been saying the word doctor a lot to Amelia lately...she started repeating it over the weekend.

Hope you're enjoying a snow day too!

Love to all,


Shannon said...

Ugh! I hate that she is sick again and had to get those shots. Hopefully that will knock it out. Poor girl! :(

I'll be praying for her appt on Wednesday!

Nick, Lindsey, and Anniston Kennedy said...

My daughter, Anniston, has on those same PJ's today! We've been enjoying our snow day also! I really hope that she feels better soon.

kristin fulghum said...

oh man, that stinks! that second picture of her is adorable.

Amber said...

She is looking like such a big girl!! Love the video. So sorry she's not been feeling well. Hopefully these shots have done the trick and she'll be back to her old self.

Paige said...

We did the EXACT same thing this weekend..Callyn has had a double ear infection since before Thanksgiving. We did our third rocephin shot on Sunday- and by then she knew what was coming. Interested to see how your ENT appt. will go- we are waiting to see when our appt. will be! So ready for her not to be in pain:)

Heather said...

Praying for that sweet girl to get better and STAY better! I know that is just the pits!!! Isn't it funny how everyone here freaks out about the weather?!? Hope ya'll managed to enjoy the snow a little bit anyway. Avery Kate was the same as Amelia...we let her go out a little bit and then she stayed at the door/window crying and whining to go back out!!!!

Unknown said...

Jill - To put your mind at ease.....from an adult who has had tubes inserted twice (as an adult, many years apart!). If she has to have them - trust me, the relief from ear infections that she will experience - will make it worthwhile. I hope the shots/meds work, but if they don't, trust and believe that tubes will give her relief. They really do. Praying for great results on Wednesday....

Faith said...

This is both precious and pitiful! Oh, I just hate that the girl has had such a hard time with the ear infections and sickness. So sad! I think that second pic of her is adorable. She is so sweet!

Betsy said...

Goodness...y'all have been through the wringer! I feel so bad for that sweet baby. I hope you can get everything worked out soon and she won't go back to the doctor for a really long time!

Surrounded-By-Boys said...

poor baby girl! I can say that the Rocephin (sp?) knocks that stuff out!!!! My youngest had Rocephin one time and it is a miracle drug!

Jenny said...

Bless her heart!
My oldest son suffered from chronic ear infections and had to have tubes at 16 months old.
We have been blessed and he has not had one since.

I hope she feels better and gets some relief soon!

Elaine said...

:( Poor little Amelia! I'm so sorry she has been so sick. Kade also suffered from chronic ear infections when he was her age. We tried everything from allergy testing to chiropractor visits to figure out what was causing them. He ended up having tubes at 8 months. I was a nervous wreck the entire procedure, but it literally took 15 minutes at most. If I had it to do all over again--and I may with his new brother who is now 2 months old and had his first ear infection/antibotics at 4 weeks--I would never have waited so long.

I hope she feels better soon!

Cheryl said...

I'm jealous of your snow! I asked Ryan just yesterday when was the last time we even had rain. We both came up with July or August!!! It is seriously so dry here.

I hope Miss Amelia get to feeling better and they can help her ears. I am so sorry you guys had to go through so many shots. Hang in there! She is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

love all of the snow! I hope your daughter makes a full recovery soon!

Todd and Courtney said...

oh my goodness, not fun. Im so sad our girls have had terrible infections lately. I'll say a prayer for her appointment on Wednesday!

Jen said...

Amelia needs to get well soon! I hate that she has been so sick lately. :( My girls are all finally over their colds so when A gets well we need to get together and play! Let me know how things go Wednesday.

Love you.