Amelia is feeling much better. I can't remember if I wrote it on the blog or not but she got strep AGAIN. This is her third time with strep. When the doctor told me the test was positive - I started crying in her office. For some reason when she's sick...I feel like it's my fault. I try so hard to keep her well. The last time she had this I went and bought a cart cover so she doesn't touch anything when we're in stores. I switched out her toothbrush/medicine syringe, etc. This time I went and bought 4 toothbrushes and have switched it out every few days! I've been putting anti-bacterial on her hands like crazy. I don't know what else to do. The doc said it could be her tonsils and that if she continues to get it - they will have to come out. I hate the thought of this, but I also don't want her to be 29 like I was and have to have them out - it's a very hard surgery as an adult. Anyway, my girl is back to sleeping until almost 10am every morning. That's how I know she's feeling better. We Averitt girls love our sleep!
I made chocolate chip cookies this week and let Amelia lick the beater for the very first time. She sat there spinning it around, licking every bit of it clean! A bit messy but a mess worth cleaning up in the end. :)

My friend Kristin shared a post on baking with your little ones and it showed me that Amelia can actually do more than just lick the beater at this age. The next time I bake I'm going to let her help me pour in some of the ingredients. I know she will love that!

I don't know if you're familiar with Zulily but it has become one of my favorite sites. I try not to look at it every day because it could easily cause me to go broke! ;) They have the cutest stuff and all at a discounted price. Every day the inventory is different. Here's my link if you want to check it out! For those that have signed up and ordered for the first time under me - thank you!

We have a very busy weekend ahead. Our Saturday is packed full...not sure how I'm going to do it all. It's cold right now but it's supposed to be 80 by tomorrow. Yay for warmer weather!!

Hope you have a happy Thursday!
Love to all,