Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Friday!

It's 10:07AM and Amelia is still asleep. I'm going to have to wake her up soon because we have a doctor's appointment this morning. Having blood drawn to check on the allergy issue.

I'm enjoying a cup of french toast coffee (it's so delicious) and trying to wake up. I had my first appointment with the new chiropractor yesterday. I left feeling immediate relief in my back and hip. It didn't take long for the hip pain to come back though. I took the hottest bath known to man last night and then went straight to bed. I have to go 3 days a week and hopefully he'll have my pelvis back to a normal position soon. It's extremely slanted. My right pant leg is so much shorter than my left right now. (LOL)

I also had a babysitter for Amelia two days this week. It was glorious. The first day I went and had lunch all by myself. I'm one of those people that actually enjoys eating alone, seeing a movie alone, etc. Not all of the time of course but every so often it's very nice. I also went to Target, the market, the bank...and then it was time to go home. I was excited to see Amelia even though I was only away from her for 3 hours! She was happy to see me too. :) My friend Amanda is keeping her for me...she is so laid back and loves kids. Amelia hasn't cried once with her. She has been going through an attachment-to-mama thing lately, so I was so relieved! I asked her yesterday if she had fun with Amanda and she said, "NO." I told Amanda not to take it personally because she also said she didn't miss Daddy, she didn't love Jesus, and she didn't want to go to church. Typical PK. ;) Her favorite word right now is NO. I'm working with her on YES!

Alex was able to come home a day early and arrived home last night - just in time to rock Amelia to sleep. He was happy that he made it home in time to see her. I was happy to have him home. We miss him so much when he's away.

And now it's Friday!! I looked at our calendar this morning and the only thing we have this weekend is our niece's birthday party! I'm excited that it will be a restful weekend. Happy Friday!

Love to all,


Ashley said...

She is just so adorable! I'm glad the chiropractor helped. I hope you continue to feel better!

Heather said...

So happy you are getting and enjoying some "you" time!! :) And I had to laugh when you mentioned Amelia and her "No"'s because Avery Kate will straight up lie to our faces just to use her favorite word...."NO!" ha! It's like "Avery Kate...are you eating a banana?" (When we can totally see that she is) "NO....." :) ha!!

Todd and Courtney said...

I love going to the movies alone too. Its so peaceful and quiet. Amelia is so beautiful! I hope she feels better soon and you get definite answers on the allergic reaction.

Paige said...

I run the children's day out program at our church and often see mommy's who feel so guilty when they leave their little ones (2 days a week) first. then they feel so much better and are so much better of mommies to have some alone time the guilt goes away quickly! good for you. plus letting someone else keep little ones are good for them!

Unknown said...

I call going to Walmart on Saturday my "me time". It is always nice to have a little time by yourself.